Perfect Full Body Workout

Everyone can do this workout including all swimmers and parents.

Rules for this work out:

The workouts are to be done in a staggered fashion, e.g.

Week 1

  • Mon – Workout A
  • Wed- Workout B
  • Fri – Workout A

Week 2

  • Mon- Workout B
  • Wed – Workout A
  • Fri – Workout B

Each exercise is to be done for one minute without any rest. If you do need a rest, take it and then join back in.

This is going to work your lower body, then upper body, then lower, then upper finishing with Core and a Corrective exercise. This is why there is going to be no rest.

You will fatigue one area and then work others afterwards.

Workout A

Do exercises A, B and C for each of the numbered sections for 1 minute each, no rest between each exercise.

  1. Anterior Lower (Squat based)
    1. Alternating Single leg Box Squat
    2. 1 ½ Bottomed Out Squats
    3. Jump Squats
  1. Upper Body Push
    1. Handstand Push Ups or Pyramid Push ups or Power Push Away
    2. Rotational Push Ups or Knee Down Rotational Push Ups
    3. Cobra Push Ups or Knees Down Cobra Push Ups
  1. Posterior Lower (Hinge)
    1. Alternating Single Leg Heel Touch Squat or Curtsy Squat with Heel Touch
    2. Alt Sprinter Lunges
    3. Plyometric Sprinter Lunges
  1. Upper Body Pull
    1. Pull Ups or Seated Pull Ups
    2. Human Pullovers or Sliding Pull downs
    3. Inverted Chin Ups
  1. Abs
    1. Reverse Corkscrews
    2. Black widow Knee Slides
    3. Levitation Crunches
  1. Corrective – Skydiver and Penguin

Workout B

Do exercises A, B and C for each of the numbered sections for 1 minute each, no rest between each exercise.

  1. Posterior Lower (Hinge based)
    1. Slick Floor Bridge Curl
    2. Long Leg March
    3. High Hip Bucks
  1. Upper Body Push
    1. Variable Wall Press Ups or Legs/knees on a box
    2. Alternating Body Weight Side Lateral Raises
    3. Body Weight Tricep Extensions
  1. Anterior Lower (Lunge)
    1. Alternating Crossover Step Ups
    2. Alternating Reverse Lunges
    3. Split Squat Jumps
  1. Upper Body Pull
    1. Chin Ups or Seated Chin Ups
    2. Inverted Row
    3. Back Widows
  1. Abs
    1. Ad Halos
    2. V-Up Tucks
    3. Sit up Elbow Thrust
  1. Corrective – Reverse Hypers

land training, exercise, dry land, land, training, fitness, strength, workout